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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Communication Driven DSS

A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities.[2] A DSS is something that can be very helpful to help improve a business' organizational skills. DSS generally make it easier for companies to compile data and organize information in a way that is easy for them to discover it. 
The type of DSS I wold like to focus on is Communication-Driven DSS. Communications-Driven DSS is a type of DSS that emphasizes communications, collaboration and shared decision-making support. [1] Communication-driven DSS has offered a lot of help to the business world. When thinking about communication-driven DSS you have to think about a few characteristic that make it special toward that form of DSS. These characteristics are enables communication between groups of people, facilitates the sharing of information, supports collaboration and coordination between people, and supports group decision tasks. [1] Examples of Communication-driven DSS's are Groupware, chat, Videoconferencing, and web-based bulletin boards. [3]
A specific example of a Communication-driven DSS is Windows Meeting Space.  Windows Meeting Space (codenamed Windows Collaboration) is the name of a peer-to-peercollaboration program in Windows Vista that supports 2–10 users. [4] WIndows Meeting Space offers many features to users that could be very helpful to businesses. Some of these features include, application sharing and file transfer. With these features and also the improvements of Microsoft SharedView it allows employees to work on tasks together no matter where they are located. Coworkers can collaborate on projects and produce work together.
Another form of Communication-driven DSS are online bulletin boards. I thought this was an interesting example so i decided to do some research on a specific one. I found On Stixy you can create your own person Stixyboards that include such things as, your family's schedule, projects at work, an upcoming holiday, and share files with friends. [5] Stixy creates a unique experience that is different than your ordinary calendar and to do list. It in a weird way is a combination of the two and can prove to be extremely helpful in organization especially when it comes to business. When you have numerous projects to complete you may have trouble staying on top of it all. The ability to share files also adds a helpful aspect to the site. It offers you the option of sharing tasks with fellow coworkers as a deadline is approaching. 
Overall I feel as though Communication-Driven DSS's have offered a lot of improvements to companies. These specific DSS's allow employees to conduct video-conferences, share files, and communicate over the internet. These new improvement provide successful organization techniques that companies integrate in their everyday business model. The improvements DSS's have made for businesses are countless and I believe as technology improves so will the capabilities of these systems.